I went into labour around noon on Labour Day, three days after my due date. I appreciated the irony.
Category: Parenting
Cloth on the Cheap
One major thing with cloth nappies that I’m hyper aware of is the initial cost of a setup. Although cloth nappies wind up thousands of dollars cheaper than disposable nappies in the long run, not everyone can afford a big upfront payment. And not everyone knows which brand they want to invest in! Recommendations are…
So why cloth nappies?
“Why Lou?” I hear people ask. “That’s a lot of extra laundry. Don’t you want to just bin the poop and be done with it?” Well, no. And here’s why: The rubbish bins in my town only go out fortnightly. Seriously. Can you imagine? Two weeks of soiled nappies and wipes? They’d fill up the…